研究セミナー How cells deploy autophagy to fight against bacteria
講演 | |
日時 | 2023年11月7日(火)16:00〜17:00 |
場所 | ナノバイオロジー棟3階セミナー室 |
世話人 |
吉森 保(細胞内膜動態研究室・教授) |
Intracellular pathogens colonize specific subcellular niches determined by their requirement for host-derived nutrients and antagonized by compartment-specific immunity. Most intracellular bacteria dwell in phagosomes and only few species have succeeded in conquering the cytosol, a perhaps counterintuitive situation given the abundance of nutrients freely available in the cytosol. Potent cytosolic defense mechanisms must therefore exist. I will discuss how cells defend their cytosol against bacterial invasion through autophagy as we have discovered novel triggers for anti-bacterial autophagy, namely the detection of sphingomyelin on damaged phagosomes by TECPR1 and the ubiquitylation of LPS on Gram-negative bacteria by RNF213.