留学生イベント 留学生日本語交流会: 折り紙/あやとりワークショップ -日本語で話そう-

日時 2017年12月19日(水)16:30~17:30
場所 生命システム棟2階ラウンジ
言語 日本語

生命機能研究科大学院係 留学生担当

Japanese Meet-Up !

Japanese Meet-up aims to improve Japanese conversation skill of internationl students in daily life.  Participants are expected to use only Japanese in this meet-up.  Previous participants last year are strongly encouraged join as tutors!

At 4:30 to 5:30 pm, let's gather at the FBS lobby to have a chat with Japanese students and young ftaffs in FBS. Light meal will be proveded.

We make up small groups and will have those:

On Dec 19th: Japanese hands-on activitees, such as Origami and Ayatori.

First come, and first served ! (could be up to 20 people)