FBS Colloquia No.309Laboratory of Chromosome Biology

Seminar or Lecture

Molecular basis of centromere/kinetochore assembly

Masatoshi Hara [Assistant professor, Laboratory of Chromosome Biology]

Date and Time 6 Oct. 2022 (Thu), 12:15~13:00
Place 2F Seminar Room, BioSystems Building and Online (Zoom)
Language English

Tetsuya Hori
E-mail: thori[at]
TEL: 06-6879-4425

Molecular basis of centromere/kinetochore assembly

The kinetochore is a large protein complex assembled on the centromeric chromatin and binds to spindle microtubules to make a linkage between sister chromatids and mitotic spindle, enabling faithful chromosome segregation during mitosis. Given kinetochore complex plays the fundamental role, understanding of molecular basis of centromere/kinetochore structure formation and its regulation is crucial to understand how our genetic information is correctly transmitted from one generation to the next. Here, I will be introducing our recent studies on CENP-C, a kinetochore component, and discussing how the centromere and kinetochore structures are assembled.