Research environments
We nurture cutting-edge leaders in our unique and open research environment
The Graduate School of FBS admits students with various undergraduate majors, including medicine, dentistry, pharmaceutical sciences, engineering science, engineering, science, agriculture, and letters. Some 60% of students are from universities other than Osaka University. Additionally, the number of international students at FBS has continuously increased in recent years, creating a remarkable, diverse, and global research environment.
Opportunities to acquire transcultural communication skills and creative thinking
Seminars held by leading researchers are conducted at many labs at FBS, so students have plenty of opportunities to listen to up-and-coming research. Students can also participate in various events, such as FBS retreats, journal seminars, and seminar series organized by students. Recently, about 20% of students at FBS are from outside Japan, so all members at FBS are naturally encouraged to become internationally-minded as well as practice and improve their communication skills in English. This also means we have great opportunities for international researchers, and Japanese language ability is not a requirement to enroll at FBS!
State-of-the-art research environment
FBS is fully equipped with the latest technology, such as electron microscopes, including the world’s most powerful cryo-electron microscope; protein crystallization and X-ray diffraction systems, which are indispensable for structural biological studies, and research equipment for joint use with other graduate schools. In addition, our equipment for imaging and sensitive detection has been updated to the most advanced versions in recent years.
Snaps of the equipment at FBS
Real time PCR system QuantStudio 3
You can detect the amount of template DNA over time based on amplification by polymerase chain reactions using fluorescent dye.
ChemiDoc Touch MP
This machine is for detecting immuno-fluorescent membranes for protein transfers.
Desktop 3D printer
LSM 900 with Airyscan 2
For imaging at super-resolutions of specific molecules in cells
Spinning disk confocal microscope
Cryo-Electron Microscope JEM-3200SFC
For determining biomolecular structures at near-atomic resolution using the technique of embedding samples in vitreous water and cooling them to cryogenic temperatures.