FBS Colloquia No.255Visual Neuroscience Group

Seminar or Lecture

Eye movement as a research tool for studying brain functions

OKADA Ken-ichi [Assistant Professor / Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Systems Neuroscience Laboratory (belonged to FBS Ohzawa Lab until this September.)]

Date and Time 5 Nov. 2020 (Thu), 12:15-13:00
Place Online (Zoom) | An email will be sent with the meeting URL, ID, and password on the morning of each colloquium.

Name:Izumi Ohzawa        
Tel :06-6879-4434

Eye movement as a research tool for studying brain functions

In our daily life, we frequently move our eyes and scan visual scenes. We process what object is there and plan where to see next, in an unthinking and unconscious manner. Eye movement analysis has been expected to be an affordable and feasible tool to estimate pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, changes in cognitive ability with development and aging, and mental conditions such as fatigue, sleepiness, and stress. In this colloquium, I would like to talk about our recent study examining possible brain dysfunction underlying abnormal eye movement of psychiatric disorder.