FBS Colloquia No.249KOKORO Biology Group

Seminar or Lecture

Toward understanding mechanism of single-neuron discrimination

KANEKO Ryosuke [KOKORO Biology Group]

Date and Time 24 Sept.2020 (Thu), 12:15-13:00
Place Online (Zoom) | An email will be sent with the meeting URL, ID, and password on the morning of each colloquium.
Language Japanese

Etsuko Tarusawa
Tel: 06-6879-7991
E-mail: tarusawa[at]

Toward understanding mechanism of single-neuron discrimination

Multicellular organisms are not just aggregation of cells. That is, the spatiotemporal cell-to-cell interaction is crucial for organizing functional structures. There are about 100 billion neurons in the human brain (Note: about 70 million neurons in the mouse brain). Each neuron has more than 1000 neurites, and each neurites are properly placed, identify appropriate partners, and construct fineneural circuits. The interaction between neurons in this process is considered to originate brain function and mind. How is the interaction between various neurons controlledin the brain? We are focusing on diversified cell adhesion molecule, clustered protocadherin (Pcdh), as a candidate molecule. In this presentation, I will introduce the expression pattern of Pcdh and its relation to the interaction between neurons.