FBS Colloquia No.312KOKORO-Biology Group

Seminar or Lecture

Localization and role of Pcdh single-cell identity code

Ryosuke Kaneko [Associate Professor, KOKORO Biology Group (Yagi Laboratory)]

Date and Time 27 Oct. 2022 (Thu), 12:15~13:00
Place 2F Seminar Room, BioSystems Building
Language Japanese

Etsuko Tarusawa
E-mail: tarusawa[at]
TEL: 06-6879-7991

Localization and role of Pcdh single-cell identity code

Individual neurons distinguish between themselves and other neurons for brain sophistication. The clustered protocadherins (Pcdhs) play key role in vertebrate. Here we present recent advances in understanding where a Pcdh single-cell identity is localized in mouse brain and what the Pcdh code plays a central role in brain development.