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 次に、このような層特異的に発現して視床軸索の標的認識を担う分子の探索を行った。そのために、4層特異的なサブトラクションcDNAライブラリーを作製し、これまでに、細胞表面分子、細胞接着因子、細胞外拡散性因子などのタンパク質をコードする遺伝子が4層に特異的に発現することを見出している。現在、これらの遺伝子産物の機能をin vitroで解析し、視床軸索の標的認識、枝分かれ形成、シナプス形成の分子メカニズムを明らかにしようとしている。

Coculture preparations of the thalamus and cortex. A, organotypic coculture of thalamic explant (lateral geniculate nucleus, LGN) with cortical explant (visual cortex, VC) after one week in vitro (From Yamamoto et al., 1989). Bar represents 0.5 mm. B, fluorescent dye-labeled TC axon arbor in cortical explant after two weeks in vitro (From Yamamoto et al., 1997). Bar represents 0.25 mm.

Lamina-specific TC axon branching. A, DiI-labeled TC axon forms specifically in layer 4 of fixed cortex (From Yamamoto et al., 2000a). Bar represents 0.2 mm. B, Cortical lamination is shown by bisbenzamide staining. C, Distribution of branch-regulating molecules in the developing cortex. There are a branch-inducing factor (+) and a branch-inhibitory factor (-), PSA in the developing cortex.

Existence of the gene that is specifically expressed in layer 4 of P7 rat cortex (From Zhong et al., 2004). A, Expression pattern of unc5h4, one of the genes obtained from a subtraction cDNA library. Bar represents 1 mm. B, layer 4-specific expression of unc5h4 in the somoatosensory cortex. Bar represents 0.2 mm. C, Nissl-stained section. Bar represents 0.2 mm.


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