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Kohei Onishi, Akiko Uyeda, Mitsuhiro Shida, Teruyoshi Hirayama, Takeshi Yagi, Nobuhiko Yamamoto and Noriyuki Sugo
Genome stability by DNA polymerase βin neural projenitors contributes to neuronal differentiation in cortical development
Journal of Neuroscience 37: 8444-8458 (2017)

Hironobu Kitagawa, Noriyuki Sugo, Masatoshi Morimatsu, Yoshiyuki Arai, Toshio Yanagida and Nobuhiko Yamamoto

Activity-Dependent Dynamics of the Transcription Factor of cAMP-Response Element Binding Protein in Cortical Neurons Revealed by Single-Molecule Imaging
Journal of Neuroscience 37: 1-10 (2017)

Sugo N, Morimatsu M, Arai Y, Kousoku Y, Ohkuni A, Nomura T, Yanagida T and Yamamoto N
Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals Dynamics of CREB Transcription Factor Bound to Its Target Sequence.
Sci Rep 5:10662 (2015)

Bruining H, Matsui A, Oguro-Ando A, Kahn RS, Van't Spijker HM, Akkermans G, Stiedl O, van Engeland H, Koopmans B, van Lith HA, Oppelaar H, Tieland L, Nonkes LJ, Yagi T, Kaneko R, Burbach JP, Yamamoto N, Kas MJ.
Genetic Mapping in Mice Reveals the Involvement of Pcdh9 in Long-Term Social and Object Recognition and Sensorimotor Development.
Biol Psychiatry Available online Februrary 7, (2015)

Hayano Y, Zhao H, Kobayashi H, Takeuchi K, Norioka S, Yamamoto N.
The role of T-cadherin in axonal pathway formation in neocortical circuits
Development 141, 4784-93 (2014)

Hayano Y, Sasaki K, Ohmura N, Takemoto M, Maeda Y, Yamashita T, Hata Y, Kitada K, Yamamoto N
Netrin-4 regulates thalamocortical axon branching in an activity-dependent fashion
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111, 15226-31 (2014)

Inamata Y, Shirasaki R.
Dbx1 triggers crucial molecular programs required for midline crossing by midbrain commissural axons
Development 141, 1260-71 (2014)

Malyshevskaya O, Shiraishi Y, Kimura F, Yamamoto N
Role of electrical activity in horizontal axon growth in the developing cortex: a time-lapse study using optogenetic stimulation
PLoS One 8:e82954 (2013)

Granseth B, Fukushima Y, Sugo N, Lagnado L, Yamamoto N
Regulation of thalamocortical axon branching by BDNF and synaptic vesicle cycling
Frontiers in Neural Circuits doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00202 (2013)

Sato H, Fukutani Y, Yamamoto Y, Tatara E, Takemoto M, Shimamura K, Yamamoto N
Thalamus-derived molecules promote survival and dendritic growth of developing cortical neurons.
J Neurosci 32, 15388-402 (2012)

Hoshiko M, Arnoux I, Avignone E, Yamamoto N, Audinat E
Deficiency of the Microglial Receptor CX3CR1 Impairs Postnatal Functional Development of Thalamocortical Synapses in the Barrel Cortex.
J Neurosci 32, 15106-11 (2012)

Yamamoto N, Lopez-Bendito G
Shaping Brain connections through spontaenous neural activity
Eur J Neurosci 35, 1595-604 (2012)

Fukunishi A, Maruyama T, Zhao H, Tiwari M, Kang S, Kumanogoh A, Yamamoto N
The action of Semaphorin7A on thalamocortical axon branching
J Neurochem 118, 1008-15 (2011)

Zhao H, Maruyama T, Hattori Y, Sugo N, Takamatsu H, Kumanogoh A, Shirasaki R, Yamamoto N
A molecular mechanism that regulates medially oriented axonal growth of upper layer neurons in the developing neocortex
J Comp Neurol 519, 834-48 (2011)

Takemoto M, Hattori Y, Zhao H, Sato H, Tamada A, Sasaki S, Nakajima K, Yamamoto N
Laminar and Areal Expression of Unc5d and Its Role in Cortical Cell Survival
Cereb Cortex 21, 1925-1934 (2011)

Yamada A, Uesaka N, Hayano Y, Tabata T, Kano M, Yamamoto N
Role of pre- and postsynaptic activity in thalamocortical axon branching.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 7562-7567 (2010)

Sugo N, Oshiro H, Takemura M, Kobayashi T, Kohno Y, Uesaka N, Song W-J, Yamamoto N
Nucleocytoplasmic translocation of HDAC9 regulates gene expression and dendritic growth in developing cortical neurons.
Eur J Neurosci 31, 1521-1532 (2010)

Ohnami S, Endo M, Hirai S, Uesaka N, Hatanaka Y, Yamashita T, Yamamoto N
Role of RhoA in activity-dependent cortical axon branching.
J Neurosci 28, 9117-9121(2008)

Hayano Y, Yamamoto N
Activity-dependent thalamocortical axon branching.
Neuroscientist 14, 359-368 (2008)

Uesaka N, Nishiwaki M, Yamamoto N
Single cell electroporation method for axon tracing in cultured slices.
Dev Growth Differ 50, 475-477 (2008)

Maruyama T, Matsuura M, Suzuki K, Yamamoto N
Cooperative activity of multiple upper layer proteins for thalamocortical axon growth.
Dev Neurobiol 68, 317-31 (2008)

Yamamoto N, Maruyama T, Uesaka N, Hayano Y, Takemoto M, Yamada A
Molecular mechanisms of thalamocortical axon targeting.
Novartis Found Symp 288, 199-208; discussion 208-111, 276-181 (2007)

Uesaka N, Hayano Y, Yamada A, Yamamoto N
Interplay between Laminar Specificity and Activity-Dependent Mechanisms of Thalamocortical Axon Branching.
J Neurosci 27, 5215-5223 (2007)

Yoneshima H, Yamasaki S, Voelker CCJ, Molnar Z, Christophe E, Audinat E, Takemoto M, Nishiwaki M, Tsuji S, Fujita I, Yamamoto N
ER81 is expressed in a subpopulation of layer 5 neurons in rodent and primate neocortices.
Neuroscience 137, 401-412 (2006)

Uesaka N, Ruthazer ES, Yamamoto N
Activity-dependent regulation of cortical axon branching.
Neuroscientist 12, 102-106 (2006)

Sakumura Y, Tsukada Y, Yamamoto N, Ishii S
A model of molecular machinery for axon guidance based on crosstalk between Rho GTPases.
Biophysic J 89, 812-822 (2005)

Uesaka N, Hirai S, Maruyama T, Ruthazer ES, Yamamoto N
Activity-Dependence of Cortical Axon Branch Formation: A Morphological and Electrophysiological Study Using Organotypic Slice Cultures.
J Neurosci 25, 1-9 (2005)

Zhong Y, Takemoto M, Fukuda T, Hattori Y, Murakami F, Nakajima D, Nakayama M, Yamamoto N
Identification of the genes that are expressed in the upper layers of the neocortex.
Cereb Cortex 14, 1144-1152 (2004)

Hanamura K, Harada A, Katoh-Semba R, Murakami F, Yamamoto N
BDNF and NT-3 promote thalamocortical axon growth with distinct substrate and temporal dependency.
Eur J Neurosci 19, 1485-1493 (2004)

Takemoto M, Fukuda T, Murakami F, Tanaka H, Yamamoto N
Role of ephrin-B3 in the formation of region- and lamina-specific thalamocortical projections.
Eur J Neurosci 16, 1168-1172 (2002)

Yamamoto N
Cellular and molecular basis of axonal targeting in the formation of lamina-specific thalamocortical projections.
Neurosci Res 42. 167-173.

Yamamoto N, Inui K, Matsuyama Y, Harada A, Hanamura K, Murakami F Ruthazer ES, Rutishauser U, Seki T (2000)
Inhibitory mechanism by polysialic acid for lamina-specific branch formation of thalamocortical axons.
J Neurosci 20, 9145-9151 (2002)

Yamada K, Yamamoto N, Toyama K
Development of NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory synaptic transmission in geniculocortical and corticocortical connections studied by organotypic coculture preparations.
Eur J Neurosci 12, 3854-3862 (2000)

Yamamoto N, Matsuyama Y, Harada A, Inui K, Murakami F, Hanamura K
Characterization of factors regulating lamina-specific growth of thalamocortical axon.
J Neurobiol 42, 56-68 (2000)

Yamamoto N, Higashi S, Toyama K
Stop and Branch behaviors of geniculocortical axons: A time-lapse study in organotypic cocultures.
J Neurosci 17, 3653-3663 (1997)

Yamamoto N, Toyama K
Repulsive and attractive mechanisms for the formation of corticofugal projections.
NeuroRep 6, 1517-1520 (1995)

Kurotani T, Yamamoto N, Toyama K
Development of neural connections between visual cortex and transplanted lateral geniculate nucleus in rats.
Develop. Brain Res 71, 151-168 (1993)

Yamamoto N, Yamada K, Kurotani T, Toyama K
Laminar specificity of extrinsic cortical connections studied in coculture preparations.
Neuron 9, 217-228 (1992)

Yamamoto N, Kurotani T, Toyama K
Neural connections between the lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex in vitro.
Science 245, 192-194 (1989)

・ 和文

山本亘彦 (2000) 脳切片法と組織培養法. 脳科学大事典(甘利俊一, 外山敬介編)pp85-88, 東京:朝倉書店.

谷藤学, 山本亘彦 (2000) 光学的手法:光を用いた神経研究法. 脳科学大事典(甘利俊一, 外山敬介編)pp88-95, 東京:朝倉書店.

山本亘彦 (2000) 大脳皮質の自己組織化. 脳科学大事典(甘利俊一, 外山敬介編)pp381-389, 東京:朝倉書店.

山本亘彦 (1998) 層構造と柱状構造の形成機構. 脳21 1: 247-254.

山本亘彦 (1998) Axon guidanceの解析法ー組織培養法を用いたアプローチ. 脳・神経研究の進め方 (真鍋俊也, 森寿片, 山正寛編) pp103-108, 東京: 羊土社.

山本亘彦 (1998) 成長円錐の方向制御. 脳の科学 20: 1039-1314.

山本亘彦 (1997) 脳の発達・氏か育ちか「頭脳学のみかた」AERA Mook 朝日新聞社, 136-139.

山本亘彦 (1997) 培養下のシナプス形成. CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 15: 277-280.

山本亘彦 (1997) 多孔質膜を用いたスライス培養. 神経細胞培養法 (畠中寛編) pp189-193, 東京: シュプリンガー・フェアラーク.

外山敬介, 黒谷亨, 山本亘彦 (1997) 大脳皮質神経回路の形成機序・遺伝子と学習の役割, 脳と計算論 (外山敬介, 杉山昇編) pp90-107, 東京, 朝倉書店.

山本亘彦 (1996) 皮質神経回路形成における軸索の成長制御. 細胞工学 15 190-196.

山本亘彦 (1996) 柱状構造. 脳神経 (御小柴克彦編) pp204-205, 東京, 羊土社.

山本亘彦 (1995) 大脳皮質ニューロンの分化と神経結合形成. 神経研究の進歩 39: 864-873.

外山敬介, 黒谷享, 東秀二, 山本亘彦 (1995) 視覚野の層状構造と柱状構造の形成機序. 蛋白質核酸酵素 40: 788-795.

山本亘彦, 外山敬介 (1995) 大脳皮質切片の培養法.脳・神経研究プロトコール (御小柴克彦, 清水孝雄編) pp86-90, 東京: 羊土社.

山本亘彦 (1994) 培養系を用いた皮質神経回路の形成機構の解析. 実験医学 12: 2474-2479.

山本亘彦, 黒谷享, 外山敬介 (1993) 大脳皮質における神経回路の特異性と可塑性. 実験医学 11: 1402-1407.

山本亘彦 (1992) 中枢ニューロンの発生と分化. Brain Medical 4:283-288.

山本亘彦, 黒谷亨, 外山敬介 (1991) 視覚野神経回路の発達. 神経研究の進歩 35: 910-916.

山本亘彦, 山田勝也 (1991) 脳のスライス培養を用いたニューロンネットワ ーク形成の研究. 細胞工学 10: 209-214.

山本亘彦 (1991) 大脳皮質における神経回路形成. 医学のあゆみ 156: 678.

山本亘彦 (1988) 培養下の特異的神経回路形, 生物物理 30: 17-21.

山本亘彦, 外山敬介 (1987) 電位感受性色素を用いた大脳皮質ニューロン応答の光学的測定 医学のあゆみ 141: 115-117.

山本亘彦 (1987) 条件培養液中の神経突起成長因子 日本医師会雑誌98: 1228-1233.


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