Expanding my network

Shino Nishizawa

Master degree in March 2017
Laboratory of Immunology and Cell Biology (Prof. Masaru Ishii)

The Graduate School of FBS enables students to gain insights into new worlds through research and various other experiences.

Personally, I suffer from sensitive skin, so I am interested in clarifying how inflammation develops in the skin in order to help others with the same problem. I was also fascinated by in vivo imaging for visualizing biological processes in living subjects, which is impossible by conventional methods, and thought I could learn new knowledge concerning immunity by using this imaging technique. So, I decided to join the lab of Professor Masaru Ishii, where I conducted joint research with labs of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology of Osaka University and with pharmaceutical companies, using the interdisciplinary network of the Graduate School of FBS. I was able to successfully complete my research, with the help of Professor Ishii as well as older colleagues and peers at the lab, for which I’m grateful.

One of the strengths of the Graduate School of FBS is the opportunity to meet international students. An international exchange event is held every few months, which helped me learn more about foreign cultures. I could also improve my language skills through the language exchange program.

Currently, I am working as a researcher in skin science at FANCL Corporation in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, where the expertise and human networks I developed at the Graduate School of FBS help me greatly in my work. The academic staff there taught me the importance of conducting research that one enjoys. Likewise, I hope you will enjoy conducting exciting research at the Graduate School of FBS.