"points":set initial condition to several small spots
"clear":erase the present pattern
You can draw any pattern you want to test. Click the mouse button in the field.
preset parameters
select one of the preset parameter and click the reset button.
parameter change
type the value in the text box. run button will reset the parameter values for calculation
interesting patterns!
select "stripes" or "spot"s or "network" and set the init condition to "random"
select "leopard or giraff" and set the init condition to "points"
select "chaotic" set the init condition to "points" or "random"
select "division" and set the init condition to "points"
select "travelling wave" and set the init condition to "points". you will see waves spread and disappear. Try disturbing the wave by the mouse. if you do nicely, you will get the spiral moving waves like the BZ waves.
select "leopard or giraff" and set the init condition to "points"
select "leopard or giraff" and set the init condition to "points"
select "leopard or giraff" and set the init condition to "points"
select "leopard or giraff" and set the init condition to "points"