1: Move the sliders to make the kernal shape as you want.
2: Fine-tune the slidera to adjust the 2D integration value close to zero.( -20<<<20 )
3: Click "random pattern", then click "start calculation".
4: when you change the kernel shape, you had better to click "stop calculation" to allow the maximun speed.

KT model simulator forms periodic patterns when it satisfies two following conditions.
A: 2D integration value close to zero
B: Fourier transform of the kernel has a peak(s).

From the Fourrier transform of the kernel, you can predict the resulting pattern.

wave length vs kernel

The horizontal axis of fourier transform represents the wave_number =1/wave_length.
The resulting wave length can be predicted from the peak position.

In case more than two peaks exist, the simulator is able to generate the nested pattern.
(in many case, one of the wave length dominates.)

If you want to know more, please read the paper.